Work  in progress
Work in progress
Portrait oil painting by Jon Bonebrake
Portrait oil painting by Jon Bonebrake
Jon Bonebrake
Jon Bonebrake
Portrait in progress by Jon Bonebrake
Portrait in progress by Jon Bonebrake
Oil painting 2
Oil painting 2
I don’t know yet
I don’t know yet
Fallout 4 Oil Painting
Fallout 4 Oil Painting
Day of the Tentacle Painting
Day of the Tentacle Painting
Fallout 4 Oil Painting 2
Fallout 4 Oil Painting 2
Jon Bonebrake
Jon Bonebrake
Fallout 4 Painting
Fallout 4 Painting
Breath of the Wild Oil Painting
Breath of the Wild Oil Painting
Overwatch Oil Painting
Overwatch Oil Painting
Sam & Max Hit the Road oil painting
Sam & Max Hit the Road oil painting
Fallout 3 Oil Painting
Fallout 3 Oil Painting
Doom painting
Doom painting
Super Mario Oil Painting #2
Super Mario Oil Painting #2
Super Mario Oil Painting #3
Super Mario Oil Painting #3
Super Mario Oil Painting #4
Super Mario Oil Painting #4
Chrono Trigger Campfire Scene Original Oil Painting
Chrono Trigger Campfire Scene Original Oil Painting
Super Mario Oil Painting
Super Mario Oil Painting
Classic-style sci fi
Classic-style sci fi
Girl & Her Robot
Girl & Her Robot
The 3 Muses
The 3 Muses
We're in this Together by Jon Bonebrake
We're in this Together by Jon Bonebrake
Princess and the Frog
Princess and the Frog
Viper Imperial Droid
Viper Imperial Droid
FIVSH GOD - Jon Bonebrake
FIVSH GOD - Jon Bonebrake
Let's Go
Let's Go
M-RS Sequence 1
M-RS Sequence 1
They'll Come to You
They'll Come to You
Workstation 1 (3D)
Workstation 1 (3D)
For my Mom
For my Mom
Cosmonaut Helmet
Cosmonaut Helmet
Faux Poster for Bigger Room Scene
Faux Poster for Bigger Room Scene
3D Rendering / Painting Desk
3D Rendering / Painting Desk
Day of the Tentacle Fan Art
Day of the Tentacle Fan Art
The Empress of Creepy Furry Animals
The Empress of Creepy Furry Animals
Little Boy Eats Berries and Turns into an Octopus
Little Boy Eats Berries and Turns into an Octopus
Bedroom Interior 3D
Bedroom Interior 3D
Introduction to E-Portfolio Capstone Project for UB Curriculum
Introduction to E-Portfolio Capstone Project for UB Curriculum
2. UB Curriculum - Overview
2. UB Curriculum - Overview
3. Artistic
3. Artistic
Redhead 1
Redhead 1
Study Abroad & the UB Curriculum - an Introduction
Study Abroad & the UB Curriculum - an Introduction
Masters of Social Work Mentoring Program
Masters of Social Work Mentoring Program
1. UB Curriculum Video - Introduction
1. UB Curriculum Video - Introduction
3D Rendering - MiG Fighter Pilot Helmet Concept Render
3D Rendering - MiG Fighter Pilot Helmet Concept Render
Quinox the Wizard
Quinox the Wizard
Resources at University at Buffalo
Resources at University at Buffalo
Resources and Exploring Majors & Careers
Resources and Exploring Majors & Careers
Flower 3D render
Flower 3D render
Intro to MCAT 2015 (created in 2014)
Intro to MCAT 2015 (created in 2014)
3D Violin - First Texture and Light Test
3D Violin - First Texture and Light Test
10 Good Reasons to Choose a Gap Year for Prehealth Students (Part 1)
10 Good Reasons to Choose a Gap Year for Prehealth Students (Part 1)
10 Good Reasons to Choose a Gap Year for Prehealth Students (Part 2)
10 Good Reasons to Choose a Gap Year for Prehealth Students (Part 2)
Landscape A
Landscape A
IG-88 Fan Ar
IG-88 Fan Ar
low density (0-00-00-00).jpg
octopusgreece24 copy.jpg
Room at Night
Room at Night
Engineering Pathfinder Tool Tutorial - University at Buffalo (Beta)
Engineering Pathfinder Tool Tutorial - University at Buffalo (Beta)
Quick Rocket ship half finished
Quick Rocket ship half finished
Skull 1 Model (Cinema 4D)
Skull 1 Model (Cinema 4D)
3 Muses, Girl
3 Muses, Girl
Flower 2
Flower 2
Landscapes 1
Landscapes 1
Landscape 5A
Landscape 5A
landscape 4.jpg
Landscape 6B
Landscape 6B
Time Management for College Students
Time Management for College Students
Daughter of Dracula
Daughter of Dracula
reading room ao gi caustics brightness better.jpg
17new material settingsc4d.jpg
Room1 by Jon Bonebrake
Room1 by Jon Bonebrake
Regency - Jon Bonebrake 2011 something
Regency - Jon Bonebrake 2011 something
Test Render moon1
Test Render moon1
Work  in progress
Work in progress Jon Bonebrake oil painting work in prohress
Portrait oil painting by Jon Bonebrake
Portrait oil painting by Jon Bonebrake
Jon Bonebrake
Jon Bonebrake
Portrait in progress by Jon Bonebrake
Portrait in progress by Jon Bonebrake
Oil painting 2
Oil painting 2
I don’t know yet
I don’t know yet This is the last painting I did with cheaper oil paints… One thing that’s nice about less pigmentation is lines are very important
Fallout 4 Oil Painting
Fallout 4 Oil Painting
Day of the Tentacle Painting
Day of the Tentacle Painting Jon Bonebrake 2020
Fallout 4 Oil Painting 2
Fallout 4 Oil Painting 2
Jon Bonebrake
Jon Bonebrake
Fallout 4 Painting
Fallout 4 Painting Jon Bonebrake 2020
Breath of the Wild Oil Painting
Breath of the Wild Oil PaintingJon Bonebrake 2020
Overwatch Oil Painting
Overwatch Oil PaintingJon Bonebrake 2020
Sam & Max Hit the Road oil painting
Sam & Max Hit the Road oil painting
Fallout 3 Oil Painting
Fallout 3 Oil Painting
Doom painting
Doom paintingHere’s a painting of Doom 1 in oils
Super Mario Oil Painting #2
Super Mario Oil Painting #2
Super Mario Oil Painting #3
Super Mario Oil Painting #3
Super Mario Oil Painting #4
Super Mario Oil Painting #4
Chrono Trigger Campfire Scene Original Oil Painting
Chrono Trigger Campfire Scene Original Oil Painting
Super Mario Oil Painting
Super Mario Oil Painting
Classic-style sci fi
Classic-style sci fi
Girl & Her Robot
Girl & Her Robot
The 3 Muses
The 3 MusesJon Bonebrake
We're in this Together by Jon Bonebrake
We're in this Together by Jon Bonebrake
Princess and the Frog
Princess and the Frog
Viper Imperial Droid
Viper Imperial Droid
FIVSH GOD - Jon Bonebrake
FIVSH GOD - Jon Bonebrake
Let's Go
Let's Go
M-RS Sequence 1
M-RS Sequence 1
They'll Come to You
They'll Come to You
Workstation 1 (3D)
Workstation 1 (3D)By Jon Bonebrake
For my Mom
For my MomJon Bonebrake
Cosmonaut Helmet
Cosmonaut Helmet
Faux Poster for Bigger Room Scene
Faux Poster for Bigger Room Scene
3D Rendering / Painting Desk
3D Rendering / Painting Desk
Day of the Tentacle Fan Art
Day of the Tentacle Fan ArtCreated from scratch in Cinema 4D, having decided to try my hand at a 3D version of the old-school Day of the Tentacle game by Lucasarts. 
The Empress of Creepy Furry Animals
The Empress of Creepy Furry Animals
Little Boy Eats Berries and Turns into an Octopus
Little Boy Eats Berries and Turns into an Octopus
Bedroom Interior 3D
Bedroom Interior 3D
Introduction to E-Portfolio Capstone Project for UB Curriculum
2. UB Curriculum - OverviewCreated for University at Buffalo
3. ArtisticSeries of RIASEC videos created for Career Services at University at Buffalo
Redhead 1
Redhead 1Alshader test
Study Abroad & the UB Curriculum - an Introduction
Masters of Social Work Mentoring Program
1. UB Curriculum Video - IntroductionCreated for University at Buffalo
3D Rendering - MiG Fighter Pilot Helmet Concept Render
3D Rendering - MiG Fighter Pilot Helmet Concept Render
Quinox the Wizard
Quinox the WizardCreated in Photoshop. Jon Bonebrake 2009
Resources at University at Buffalo
Resources and Exploring Majors & Careers
Flower 3D render
Flower 3D render
Intro to MCAT 2015 (created in 2014)
3D Violin - First Texture and Light Test
3D Violin - First Texture and Light Test
10 Good Reasons to Choose a Gap Year for Prehealth Students (Part 1)
10 Good Reasons to Choose a Gap Year for Prehealth Students (Part 2)
Landscape A
Landscape A
IG-88 Fan Ar
IG-88 Fan Ar
low density (0-00-00-00).jpg
octopusgreece24 copy.jpg
Room at Night
Room at Night
Engineering Pathfinder Tool Tutorial - University at Buffalo (Beta)Video for UB Engineering Undegraduates students navigating the UB Pathfinder Tool
Quick Rocket ship half finished
Quick Rocket ship half finished
Skull 1 Model (Cinema 4D)
Skull 1 Model (Cinema 4D)Just a model I created using Cinema's sculpting tools after creating a base mesh first. 
3 Muses, Girl
3 Muses, GirlDraft of a painting I'm working on
Flower 2
Flower 2A flower I created trying to learn more about Cinema 4D's r16 Reflectance channel
Landscapes 1
Landscapes 1Alien Landscape "Series" 1
Landscape 5A
Landscape 5A
landscape 4.jpg
Landscape 6B
Landscape 6B
Time Management for College Students
Daughter of Dracula
Daughter of Dracula
reading room ao gi caustics brightness better.jpg
17new material settingsc4d.jpg
Room1 by Jon Bonebrake
Room1 by Jon Bonebrake
Regency - Jon Bonebrake 2011 something
Regency - Jon Bonebrake 2011 something
Test Render moon1
Test Render moon1
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